But I haven't. And maybe thats my problem; I haven't been able to say everything I've wanted to say to the people I love. I am not just talking about the guys I've been with, but also those select few friends who I have either pushed away or just not shared everything with. I used to write this "advice column" in my high school newspaper. It was less advice and more my problems mixed in with some hopefully inspiring words of wisdom. (Ha) Regardless, I wrote some things and advised people to do things that I haven't even done myself. The last week of high school my column was about saying what you need to say to people before you say goodbye. Well, I wish I had listen to what I preached. I wish I could say what Meredith Grey says to all of her friends and lovers. I wish I had been honest with people rather than allowing the coward inside me to overcome. I still have these friends, but they are faded. I have pushed them away and now I am lonely. I am lonely. And its more scary because I am only nineteen and that is too young to be lonely.
But back to Greys Anatomy. Have you ever watched that show? God, I wish I could live in that world. The world where you become best, best friends with those you work with, where you save lives for a living, and to top it all off where you get to have a beautiful man fall in love with you and not give up on you. That's a big one for me: not giving up on people. I have given up, and I have been given up on. I have been left. I have been abandoned. And it's not fun because its takes two to tango, and I'm not talking about sex. It takes two people for abandoning. One leaves, the other doesn't chase after.
So now I am rambling with a mix of Greys Anatomy, my past relationships, and my own dark and twisted thoughts in my brain. I write this blog to help me get some things out of my head, and perhaps if someone stumbles across this blog they might take something from it. I don't really have a message through this post, only that maybe we should start preparing monologues so when the perfect moments comes along to tell our own McDreamys that we love them, we wont be ill-equipped.